I have an iPad and I have a Dell computer upstairs.
- Rae Armantrout
Well, actually, I probably work primarily in this old school device called "notebook" where I, you know, fill pages with illegible text, and then once I start to think that my text is coming together, very often I'll do a version of it—just type it into the iPad
I got an iPhone maybe three years ago, and I got the iPad maybe two years ago. I don't know. Time's a blur.
I have an iPad mini--which I don't write on that much, but I write on a little and it's like an iPad but it's a little smaller. It's like kind of purse-size.
- Amy Gerstler
I have taken in to bringing an iPad to class because... Like we were looking at a, I think it was a Frank O'hara poem and it brought up Betty Grable. None of the undergraduates in class, understandably, who Betty Grable was.
I bring my iPad to class even partly to be like, "OK, I'm a bunch older than you but don't write me off. I'm actually..." Yeah, exactly. So, "Don't kick me out of the world quite yet."
have access to an iPad—but I have never written anything on it except a terse email. And I cannot bear reading poems in that form.
- Louise Glück
But I have this [iPad] that gives me fantastic pleasure in other ways. I love it and it's an endless amusement. I keep it very near my bed, or on my bed. If I wake in the middle of the night, I turn on the light and I see if anybody is writing to me.
I have a personalcpu and an iPad. I don't use the iPad much, but sometimes for internet stuff.
- Michael Ryan
Since the last thing I made was an app for tablet, I was forced to buy an iPad—show the thing on it! So that's over there, a mini.
- Stephanie Strickland
I work on 3 different computers. This big iMac here that I use and then I have a laptop Mac, and then I also have an iPad.
- Nance Van Winckel
Yes. With the iPad I email files to myself (Do I do it any other way?).
I can read my iPad in a comfy chair. I still like reading in bed but once I discovered that I can read my iPad in bed, I was happy. '
I'll be doing something on my tablet, communicating with somebody or talking on Facebook or whatever, while Rick and I are watching a movie at night. So there's much more multitasking.